Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas eve day at Taymount

The snow is just about gone. Washed away in the night.

Ah! This is more the London winter I remember. No white snow. No blue skies. No sunshine for sure. Here is is grey, overcast and dull. It rained all night and the fine drizzle is still coming down.

The snow was an inconvenience in the end. It looked so pretty out the window but it made it near impossible to get around easily. The English behaved as if snow had never come down in this city before. They had special news programs telling me nothing of any use at all. The Eurostar was stuck in the tunnel all one night and suspended services for three days in the run up to Xmas. You can imagine how that went down.

I wanted to go walking and looking at how beautiful things looked. Although in the end they gritted the roads, the footpaths became largely impassable as they were like ice rinks. The buses would pull to a halt and out you would step, not sure if you slide or not. In the end I did what they told me to do, and really didn't go out much. I am a abit stir crazy and will go for a long walk today, rain or no rain.

All this excitement about snow has meant that everyone has had their Xmas preparations upset. Flying was uncertain, people told not to go in their cars unless necessary.So many people return to families at this time of year, and London is a city of people who come from somewhere else. Today they are all loading their cars and driving off, setting off on all the trips home that have been delayed by the snow and conditions on the road. I am relieved, and will now have no problems getting around for Xmas day to my aunt and family.

Last night I turned the hot plate on under the egg I was about to boil and then realised 5 minutes later it was not working. My cooker has packed up it seems! I unpacked the microwave that has been waiting to be installed. This might push forward the work on the shower and the re-design of the kitchette I think.

It seems a little strange doing so little preparation for Xmas, but very relaxing. I have to leave cooking the bread and butter pud until I get to my aunt's place tomorrow. I have little token presents wrapped and ready. I am responsible for the deserts, so it is the bread and butter pud, rapberry cheese cake, merangue cases with blackberries and cream. I am helping with the veg, that will include sweet potatoes, pumpkin, potatoes, onions etc, hopefullyd one with lots of olive oil and balsamic vinegar, garlic and parsley.

I have 'chatted'with my son on Skype. He didn't have headphones or microphone so it was a funny chat. Anyhow I hope my son and the grandsons enjoy Christmas in the bush, with a swim in the pool. They will have Xmas lunch with my sister and family in the city. This will be an outside BBQ and roast veg. Quite informal and simple. If I had been in Oz, it would have been Xmas lunch in the bush at my place.

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