Friday, January 15, 2010



A note of explanation is required about my technical ineptitude loading pictures onto my blog. I think that I am placing them within the text, but every time they decide they are going to appear at the start. Sorry people, just imagine they are in the appropriate place.........

It rained yesterday and the snow and ice are fast melting. What a relief. I loved the LOOK of the snow. I am really glad I was here for this time. I am very glad never the less, I can walk around again, without fear of falling.

So what next friends?
My BBC French course (online) has progressed not at all since I completed the first half of the first lesson.
My aim to grasp Positive Psychology and apply it to my life has somehow not quite happened either.

I have been following Clive's blog (Art and the Aethete), where he talks so interestingly about printmakers of a certain era. He has rekindled my love of prints and reminded me that once upon a time, I made prints as well. I may start drawing again. I am going to post a drawing I did in my notebook a moment ago, just to prove to myself that I am game to get started. Here goes with drawing one!! THIS IS WHERE THE SECOND PICTURE SHOULD APPEAR!

Being a devotee to Charity Shops (Oz people read Opp Shop). Several weeks ago I found a wonderful deep blue and white kimono style, THIS IS WHERE THE FIRST PICTURE SHOULD APPEAR....

It has inspired me to do the quick drawing....I love the boldness of the blue,and the contrast the white has against it. I don't know if the characters really are Japanese/Chinese characters, of if they are just a Europeon picking up an aspect of the design. I once had a 'happy coat' very similar to this one, and someone pointed out to me the characters where the name of a famous Japanese airline.

1 comment:

  1. Hullo Wendy,
    The last time I wrote a comment, it wouldn't post. Don't know why, just the vagaries of the damn internet, I suppose.

    I like your sketch, it looks very - well - sketchy. I've been trying for ages to get back into my drawing, and as there is a an art invitation for the nearby old hall coming up, that has given me some incentive. It's very hard to start, though. I know in my mind what I want to do, it's just a case of organising it all.

    My first drawing for an exhibition, a 5 x 4 on the theme of the refugees who drowned trying to come here on the SIEV X, actually was bought by someone! I couldn't believe it! I didn't even photograph it, as I thought it wouldn't be worth it. How silly of me.

    I also contributed to a memorial of poles which went to Canberra, each pole from a different district representing the highlights of the area. Our district was Daylesford and I painted a kangaroo beside the lake. I haven't been to Canberra yet to see it. And you think your life is restricted!

    We are facing the very hot weather now, and everybody is getting quite tense, after what happened last year. Let's hope we get through it unscathed. Not that VicRoads and Councils are doing anything to make that certain. The roadside growth of long grass and fallen tree limbs is worse than ever.

    Happy New Year, Wendy.
